yes its geeky, but I love it all the same
So I joined the handbell choir at church as a favor to a friend. When I joined I thought it was pretty geeky; like I was kind of a musical reject who couldn't make the vocal choir or something.
Well, then I got to know these people in handbells and I totally love them! I get all caught up in the geeky!!! Its just fun to try to play more bells than you have hands, and switch them while inside your hands, all while trying to not freak out about truly having NO clue where you are in the song.
I'm glad I joined. It gives my Monday nights a purpose.
Oh I love Handbells and I love you. Geekiness or not!!!
I can't wait to get to hang out with you on Sunday!!! I am VERY excited!
SNOW DAY!!! wahooo
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