Thursday, January 19, 2006

Anybody seen my car?

An "89 Cadillac:

1.) It has a horribly cracked windshield; both horizontal and vertical.
2. ) It has blue duct tape holding together the back left side after someone hit it.
3.) The interior cloth ceiling is coming down and my dad has glue it back up to look as though the cloth is in tile form.
4.) You can no longer open the glove box until you rig the wire system just right. If you get it open, good luck getting it closed.
5.) When you turn on the lights, the left blinker light comes on too. And sometimes the check engine light as well.
6.) If you want heat, its 90 degrees or nothing. The heat only works when you set the temperature to 90 degrees. 89 degrees = nothin'.
7.) The antenna broke off in the car wash once so you only get the station of the town you are driving through.
8.) The automatic lock no longer works so you have to manually lock/unlock all the doors, which takes more muscular strength than one might think. Therefore, we use as few doors as possible.
9.) The paint is chipping off the roof.
10.) The logo decals have been torn off. Part of a dumb prank I suppose.

All these things in one vehicle. The one vehicle that I was driving this week; it was getting me from point A to point B just fine (well with a few conversations of encouragement along the way).

And then some jackass steals it.

They will get what's coming to them. A car that doesn't make it more than 50 miles down the road before they find out that, oops, the gas level indicator isn't exactly accurate either. I pray that is what happens. I pray for the car to just break down on them; it was on its last leg anyway. I hope it just stopped running, leaving those theives cursing its ever dying being altogether. That will bring me peace. That and only that.


Blogger Lacey said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe someone stole your car! That's just crazy. Obviously some people don't care about the looks or money value of what they steal.I hope it comes back soon.

12:00 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

I reiterate...OH MY GOSH. What the heck. Who would steal that and do you need help with anything???

I can't believe this.

3:00 PM  

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