Friday, December 23, 2005

What to Do

Today, for whatever reason, the realization hit me that I really don't know what to do when this school year is over. I don't know if its something I should worry about yet, or if its something to just keep in the back of my head and worry about a little bit over time.

As much as I love home, I have no social life here. There is no shower in our basement, so living with my parents will make me very dependent upon them. And I think I will feel like a big loser if I move back home. To stay at POP means I have to teach 7th-8th grade, coach everything, and be athletic director. I don' t want to teach middle school, I don't want to have the same group of kids for 3 years (more for their sake than mine), and I don't want to be athletic director. But this job has benefits; where else will i find that if I don't know what else to do? Maybe my sister would rent her upstairs room to me, but again, I'd be dependent on her and her husband for a kitchen, bathroom, etc. It would help them financially though....ugh, i wish I had answers.

I wish there was someone else in my life whose life was dependent on some of my decisions. Not so that I could screw someone else up, but I truly think it would help me decide where to go geographically, and what to do with my life. I think I know what I want, but how can I be sure? I can't live my life in fear, but I'm so afraid. I hate being alone in this. That might be the worst part of it all.

So if you read this, all I ask is that you pray for me. I don't want pity, and I don't mean to feel sorry for myself, I just have trouble verbalizing this to people because I know full well that there are SO many people worse off than me, who would love to have a job, an apartment, to be able to pay bills even if there is little left when finished. I'm grateful for what I do have, i just pray that God irons out the kinks.


Blogger Lindsey said...

Ms. Brenda Kay...
You could live with me and work a silly job (like Target, the scrapbook store, or Northwestern Books) next year. Just to chill. Rent would be cheap! social life would be ME! and you could go home when you wanted to!

just a thought. And as always you are in my prayers sister!

11:00 AM  

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