Whoa....hottie coach
I watched 13 basketball games this weekend. 13 junior high basketball games. But although this sounds exciting, there was something even better about this weekend.....
It was the super hot coach for one of the boys teams. I was secretly cheering for their team from my professional position at the scorebook cuz dang, he was good looking! I spent 2 games just watching hottie coach get mad at the refs, frustrated with his players, and excited about his team (which he didn't show a lot of emotion there ironically). Wow, it was worth the 8 hours of my life spent at the scorer's table on Sunday.
I think I shocked EVERYONE at Prince of Peace when I outwardly told poeple that I thought the guy was hot. People realized that Brenda CAN be a girly girl; even if she is just being silly!!!!
Ok girl so where is this hottie coach from? approximate age? single? I need more details. Did you talk to him? Seriously your entry is lacking a lot of info that your bf desperately needs!!!
we spent how many hours together and you didn't say anything?!?!?!
What were you thinking?
what school?
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