Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Justin: What's your middle name Miss Kuhnau?
Miss K: I'll give you a hint. It starts with a K.
Justin and Jeffery: Kuhnau...King...Korissa, Karla, Korina, Karl, Kyle, Karly...(and many other random words that actually start with C instead of K)
Justin: I know! K-I-S-S!
A good 7 seconds goes by...
Jeffery: Kiss?
Miss K: Oh yeah, that's definitely it. (Eyes roll and dorky faces made at both boys)
Justin: We need another hint.
Miss K: The letter K is a HUGE hint. Think about it.
Justin: Kiss!
Jeffery: Give me something else to spell. (He got distracted)
So then we are arriving back at school. Mr. C and Sharon have figured out what my middle name is, but the boys still have not. They are not going to let me out of the vehicle until they figure it out.
Sharon: Think guys. K is the biggest hint she can give you.
Jeffery: (looking at me like I'm trying to fool him) Kay!
Miss K: yay! its about time!
With the biggest grin I've ever seen, Jeffery lets out the most surprised cackle I've heard in my life. Then of course, 'Mr. Distracted Pants' randomly stops laughing, looks at me and goes, "Are you coming over to see our house then?"

I love the Webers. They just flat out rock.


Blogger Lindsey said...

ok friend...
I MISS YOU...we need to get together!

6:26 PM  

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