Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I can't stop!

I love to bake. I love to take a whole bunch of small ingredients and create a masterpiece. Even if its just cookies, I LOVE to cook and bake.

I don't so much love to eat what I cook and bake. This is one of the reasons I need to run. (hehe) But its so fun to make all kinds of food - especially now when I know I don't want to move boxed food and little ingredients, I figure, what the heck, I'll make something with it!

So if you are hungry, come and visit me! You will leave feeling quite bloated and very full. I promise!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I told them that I hate Cadillacs. They looked only for Cadillacs.

I told them I would never drive or ride in a Cadillac again. They buy a Cadillac in ANOKA and drive home without it.

I told them I'm coming home on Easter morning. I'm driving a Cadillac home at 9pm on Thursday night.

Evidence. My parents love to make my life miserable. I was actually a relatively good teenager. I'm not so sure that I deserve this. Because even in addition to all of the above, I have to buy them paint, then go home and paint THEIR bedroom, as well as drain my life savings to put gas into that gas sucking Cadillac! Grrrrr!

Gib strikes again.....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Riddle for YOU!!!

Okay, last night I went to handbell practice. I grabbed my wad of keys, quick locked my apartment door behind me, and headed off. I got outside to my car when I realized that I did not have my car key. However, I still drove to handbells without going back into my apartment.

How did I get there???????

THAT is the question! (Mmmmuuuuaaaaaahhhhhhahahahahaha)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Micah Vivian

Welcome to the world, Micah! Yes, I met what may be the cutest baby ever born on March 30th. Named after her grandmother, Aimee is a proud mommy to a beautiful little girl with a full head of black hair. And I mean full!!!! I've never seen a baby with that much hair! It is absolutely crazy! But what a sweetheart. She really is just precious and has her daddy bustling around trying to make everything perfect for his new little family. Apparently Michael was a little surprised that it was a girl; he truly thought for the past 3 months that the baby was going to be a boy. I laughed when he said, leaned down in Micah's ear and said, "Ha ha, Daddy, you just wait until I'm a teenager. Then you'll really be suprised!"