Monday, October 24, 2005

On to the next

After just finishing soccer less than one week ago, today began 4th-6th grade girls basketball. Wow, what a difference in the way I need to coach! First, I now have only girls (I now feel the need to apologize to everyone who came in contact with me while I was in middle school-oye). Second, I have some less-skilled players, and third, I have only seven of them. At least there will be plenty of room for my big-girl butt on the bench!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Conference, conference, conference

Thursday and Friday were spent in Mankato at the District Teacher's Conference. I can summarize the event with the words, "Its a small world." I ran into so many people I had some known in the past, or had some sort of expereince with in the past. It was amazing all the connections I had with people there, be it from camp, coaching, student teaching, Concordia, or growing up at Zion. I found this a very fun time, simply because when I attended the district convention while teaching in Indiana, I knew 2 people outside of the staff I was working on.

Friday afternoon I spent shopping in Mankato before dinner and a movie with my sister. I had to say I LOVE the town of Mankato!!!! They have everything a person could ever want: Shopko, Chipotle, Coldstone, and best of all, Hobby Lobby. I had a most enjoyable afternoon, then saw Elizabethtown. Interesting. "Its a great map."

Quote this time goes to Wayne, who when with the staff we are discussing who is driving to the conference, Wayne (who rarely pipes up) pipes up and says, "Let's take the bus!"
(now this story is funny if you realize that there are only 7 people on staff and the bus seats 72).

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Last....

Today was our last soccer practice. Tomorrow is our last game. 12 of my 18 players actually showed up for practice today. Now i know this is middle school co-ed 7th and8th grade players, but really, i think I have a right to be mad about it. It was a fun practice, too, or at least it was intended to be. Grrr... I didn't want to end the season this way, but I don't feel like players who skip practice should be able to play.

So I joined the Handbell choir at church. Now I am not all that musically talented really. I can read treble clef, can strum chords on a guitar or plink out a one-hand piano wonder, but really, I am not that musically talented. However, I find myself so bored during this hour of the week. I guess I just pick things up faster than other people do, cuz I feel like I spent 3/4 of the hour waiting for others to figure things out. For this I should be thankful, but I'm so gosh darn impatient.

The quote for the day came from Jeff at soccer practice today. We were playing World Cup, where you and a partner represent a country and try to score a goal. The boys were getting mad at the girls for cherry picking near the goal. They started the "CPU" (cherry pickers united) and kept razzing the girls about it all. Well, the ball lands at Jeff's feet, and as he is talking smack to the girls, shoots the ball, however, instead of yelling the name of his country, he shouts "CHERRY PICKING!" I'm not sure which was funnier; the comment or the way Jeff immediately fell to the ground laughing at himself and his own silly slip up. Ah, good times.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Long Day!

So last night was interesting....

Lindsey ends up in the hospital; scary. However, if you are going to be in the hospital, Woodwinds Hospital is the place to be! Nice place. I'm so thankful Lindsey's parents are now here and she is back home and on the road to recovery.

I went to the CSP game and watched flashbacks of my days on that team. Injuries have straddled them, and their play tonight was nothing more than sad. I actually left early - that was a first.

Tonight I get invited to a bonfire for my cousin Bradley who is moving to California on Monday. Such wonderful cousins I have to invite me to a bonfire at 7:00pm when I live 2 hours away. And they wonder why I make snide comments to them at times...gee, what a mystery. Needless to say, I will not be SAYING goodbye to Brad, but my prayers for his safety and sanity will have to do.

So I leave you with the quote of the day:
"A doctor came in and talked to me. I know he was talking, but I don't remember what he said!" - Lindsey

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Our whole school went to Charlotte's Web this morning and were wowed by children their own age and the stage presence they had. It was wonderful! Two thumbs up for Stages Theater Company in Hopkins! This afternoon my team (with all present) defeated Maple Grove; revenge was had after Saturday's experience with them. So overall - good day.

Quote of the day (and this was funny enough to last the whole week): "(sigh) and there it goes."
{You really had to be there}

Sunday, October 09, 2005

So do you ever find yourself thinking, "I can't wait until Sunday...i can just sit back and relax."?? Well, I was thinkin' that today. I came home from church about noon and was rather excited about the thought having very little to do today. However, after about an hour, I was bored out of my mind!!!! Now this would be less of a problem if this wasn't what happened EVERY TIME I said the above quote. When will I learn?

Anyway, knowing that the Vikings were not playing, I was excited to watch my favorite football team play. (Go Colts!) But alas, 3:05 pm came around and bah! Nothing. At least not on my few cable stations. So disappointing. But my time was well spent as I decided to make gift bags for all the players on my team. I love to do those kinds of things. Tonight will be full of the joys that come from watching Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. Isn't my life just so exciting???!!!

Best story/quote of the day came this morning in church when I was running the CD player on the sound system for our kids to sing. There was a 20 oz. bottle of A&W cream soda by the sound system that no one near it was claiming. The story went something like this:
Jeff: Oh, Brenda, you know what you are doing?
Brenda: Yep, I"m smarter than I look.
Jeff: (picking up the soda) Well I thought this was Miller Light, so i didn't know if you had all your members about you.
Brenda: (mouth agape, completely speechless)
Jeff: I better go stand in the narthex. I'm making ruckus in Jesus' house right now.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

2nd place

Go Eagles!

Only one exclamation mark because we fell short today. My soccer team lost in the championship game of the conference tourney today. We were just outplayed by Maple Grove and missing 2 defensive started killed us. But we played hard, and second place is so much better than last place, which is where we finished last year.

My parents came down today for the tournament. It was fun to see them and hear my dad yelling on the sidelines. Brant had to call the cops onto the field thing morning because of some football players who wanted to use the fields. Brant is good in crisis; he handled it all very well.

I talked to a friend today who I haven't spoken to in awhile. Life is too short to give up on people. Even people that have let you down. You never know when you will see, hear from, or speak to someone for the last time. I learned that the hard way this week, and I'm not about to let it happen with anyone else.

Quote for the day: "Wow. Miss Kuhnau can really yell!" - Mrs. Hill

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mood Swings

Today had its definite ups and downs. Upside was sleeping in cuz its Wednesday, the One Tree Hill season premiere, and a good chitty-chat with Lacey tonight. Not so hot things today were irritations were fellow co-workers, soccer players, and the death of a friend, Melissa Theel. My prayers go out to her family during this difficult time. But we know that her soul is in heaven and she's singing with Jesus right now, basking in the paradise with our Lord. Praise God that earthly death is not the final ending!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm LLL-learning!

So I just set this up with the help of my wonderful friend Lindsey. She is so smart! She may argue with that, but I know the truth! Hopefully I figure out this computer stuff soon so I can be smart like Lindsey, too!