Monday, September 18, 2006

46 degrees...

Rain and cold together is really really stinky. Working outside lasts about 10 minutes before you are wet and freezing, and working inside only lasts about 15 before the dust gets to ya. What a worthless day of doing next to nothing. Hopefully tomorrow will be dry...cold I will deal with. But dry will make me so very happy.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Eight Years of Avoidance....down the tubes

The Kuhnau's have a tradition. When we all get together for your birthday, all the cousins have to huddle around the cake behind the table and take a picture. By the time you are about 10 years old, the magic of that birthday picture is gone, but to appease our mothers, we continue to allow them to take the picture each year. Since about my junior year of high school though, i have gotten out of those annoying pictures...until tonight.

Tonight we celebrated Laura's 17th birthday. I went simply for the social outing because cripes, I live in Farwell. When it came time for cake, I went upstairs to sing Happy Birthday and was conned (no pun intended) into this picture. I had to laugh though, thinking of all the years I got out of this tradition. And now, I'm just one of the "kids" again.