So many words are appropriate here....
Today is my adoption anniversary...26 years ago today I was adopted and named. I think that's cool.
This morning I heard the COOLEST story and the BEST sermon i remember to this point in my life. Faith. We say we have it. We think we have it. But is it in our hearts? Is it real? An entire congregation gathers one Sunday afternoon to pray for rain due to a drought - this community had seen absolutely no rain for 2 months. So all the people show up, sit down, and wait. The pastor gets up front, looks around and tells the congregation to go home. Frustrated and confused, the people ask why they are being sent home and the pastor holds up his umbrella and says, "Because if you really believe that God will answer your prayers, then none of you have come prepared." HOW COOL IS THAT???!!!
I'm definitely praying with my umbrella from now on if you know what I mean.