Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Its out. The news, the truth, the announcement, its out!

I feel so much better. A relief for sure and a weight lifted off my shoulders. I can countdown now, I can look forward to new horizons, and I can search the possibilities.

By the way - 45 days. Yes, 45 days.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

So much fun!!!!

At 4pm on Friday afternoon, my entire weekend went into this super fun whirlwind. Amy calls, offers to drive me up to Alex with her for the weekend, and by 5pm, we are on the road out of Elk River. Well, Amy wants to stop and see her nephew, so we hang out for awhile with Ashley. Then I find out that a bunch of my cousins are meeting a friend of ours who has been sick, and they invite me to join along. So I went and watched some basketball, drank some beer, chatted with Kristina, and bullshit a little with Brad, Jon, Luke, and Tony. I cannot believe how much fun I had! I want to move back to Alexandria TODAY after having great nights like that!

In addition, i saw some poeple from high school, and it was good to catch up. You just can't judge people on how they were back then. So much changes. And its so much fun to see those changes, too!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow

Yes, if you live in Rapid City South Dakota, you can see nothing but, and the discussion of the month has now become about how much snow has fallen in the past week. Some spring break for me! I can't wait to re-enter MN to see what spring is looking and feeling like. Anyway, this weekend/early week has been fun. Lacey got a snow day so we got to hang out and watch movies yesterday. Today she's at school, but that gives me time to work on my school things, as well as fun, relaxing, do-nothing type things.

On a happy note, my cousin Doug is getting married! this is exciting because no one ever thought he would. He is in his late 40's, and he hasn't dated much in his life. He is a great guy; shy but funny. And now, he is not only going to be a husband, but a step-dad too! To a teenager no less! But it's cool. I'm super excited to be able to see him on his big day!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


How can a person be so clear and yet so completely confused? Almost everything in life right now has me twisted in knots. I think I know what I want, but how will I know if the right decision is to go with my gut? I worry sometimes that I'm not interpreting God correctly. I think "whoa, that's a sign from God" but what is He saying? Is it a yes sign or a no sign? So confusing.

Meanwhile, I found myself talking in the 3rd person on 5 different occasions today. This is something I almost never do at all. Hmmmmm.....

I blame this whole day on the fact that I was in a skirt for 13 hours. That just instantly throws a girl off. At least a girl like me!

Monday, March 06, 2006

yes its geeky, but I love it all the same

So I joined the handbell choir at church as a favor to a friend. When I joined I thought it was pretty geeky; like I was kind of a musical reject who couldn't make the vocal choir or something.

Well, then I got to know these people in handbells and I totally love them! I get all caught up in the geeky!!! Its just fun to try to play more bells than you have hands, and switch them while inside your hands, all while trying to not freak out about truly having NO clue where you are in the song.

I'm glad I joined. It gives my Monday nights a purpose.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

What I don't understand

I've always been taught (and I try to teach) that God will never give us more than we can handle. But I'm just so torn up about this:

I have a friend who in high school, developed Chrone's Disease. then in college, after a number of assorted health issues, had to have his colon removed. Now at the age of 25, just after finally getting his college degree, he has been diagnosed with cancer in his bile ducts, and after chemo treatments will need a liver transplant to stay alive. And that's only if the treatments work as planned.

My question is this: why does Satan keep picking on the same people? You would think if he picked on all of us a little bit, he'd spread to more people. But I guess he has a plot here, because although I consider myself to be a firm believer, this whole thing has DEFiNITELY shaken me.