So do you ever find yourself thinking, "I can't wait until Sunday...i can just sit back and relax."?? Well, I was thinkin' that today. I came home from church about noon and was rather excited about the thought having very little to do today. However, after about an hour, I was bored out of my mind!!!! Now this would be less of a problem if this wasn't what happened EVERY TIME I said the above quote. When will I learn?
Anyway, knowing that the Vikings were not playing, I was excited to watch my favorite football team play. (Go Colts!) But alas, 3:05 pm came around and bah! Nothing. At least not on my few cable stations. So disappointing. But my time was well spent as I decided to make gift bags for all the players on my team. I love to do those kinds of things. Tonight will be full of the joys that come from watching Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. Isn't my life just so exciting???!!!
Best story/quote of the day came this morning in church when I was running the CD player on the sound system for our kids to sing. There was a 20 oz. bottle of A&W cream soda by the sound system that no one near it was claiming. The story went something like this:
Jeff: Oh, Brenda, you know what you are doing?
Brenda: Yep, I"m smarter than I look.
Jeff: (picking up the soda) Well I thought this was Miller Light, so i didn't know if you had all your members about you.
Brenda: (mouth agape, completely speechless)
Jeff: I better go stand in the narthex. I'm making ruckus in Jesus' house right now.