Monday, January 30, 2006

Right Hands

Who needs their right hand anyway?

I can almost honestly say that if my right hand was cut off right now, I'd be in less pain. This morning I got the worst paper cut in the history of paper cuts received from US History teacher's guides! I lost so much blood that I was actually lightheaded (and that doesn't happen often).

Then, to add insult to current injury, I am playing basketball with my girls today and a stray airball hits me BAM in my right thumb. Its now nasty; broken, bruised, and throbbing. I am such a wimp.

Thank God for lefthandedness; that's all I have to say!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Justin: What's your middle name Miss Kuhnau?
Miss K: I'll give you a hint. It starts with a K.
Justin and Jeffery: Kuhnau...King...Korissa, Karla, Korina, Karl, Kyle, Karly...(and many other random words that actually start with C instead of K)
Justin: I know! K-I-S-S!
A good 7 seconds goes by...
Jeffery: Kiss?
Miss K: Oh yeah, that's definitely it. (Eyes roll and dorky faces made at both boys)
Justin: We need another hint.
Miss K: The letter K is a HUGE hint. Think about it.
Justin: Kiss!
Jeffery: Give me something else to spell. (He got distracted)
So then we are arriving back at school. Mr. C and Sharon have figured out what my middle name is, but the boys still have not. They are not going to let me out of the vehicle until they figure it out.
Sharon: Think guys. K is the biggest hint she can give you.
Jeffery: (looking at me like I'm trying to fool him) Kay!
Miss K: yay! its about time!
With the biggest grin I've ever seen, Jeffery lets out the most surprised cackle I've heard in my life. Then of course, 'Mr. Distracted Pants' randomly stops laughing, looks at me and goes, "Are you coming over to see our house then?"

I love the Webers. They just flat out rock.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Its back. The steering column is broken so you can only start it by hot wiring it, but the Cadillac is back into the hands of my dad. Stolen from Fridley, recovered in Minneapolis, and the license plate was found by a civilian in Brooklyn Center. It's now been towed to Alexandria, and finally to Farwell. I shout from the rooftops - I HATE THE CITY!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, that theif better watch his back, I have some 6th and 7th grade super slueths after him! They may be small, but they don't let people mess with their teacher I guess. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The perfect guy

I watched a movie today. I also decided that I figured out the traits of the perfect man.

The man I am going to marry is the man who is willing to sit on my egg for four months in the dead of winter while I go get some food.

Guess the movie.....and by the way, its even more funny when you watch it with your big girl friends!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Anybody seen my car?

An "89 Cadillac:

1.) It has a horribly cracked windshield; both horizontal and vertical.
2. ) It has blue duct tape holding together the back left side after someone hit it.
3.) The interior cloth ceiling is coming down and my dad has glue it back up to look as though the cloth is in tile form.
4.) You can no longer open the glove box until you rig the wire system just right. If you get it open, good luck getting it closed.
5.) When you turn on the lights, the left blinker light comes on too. And sometimes the check engine light as well.
6.) If you want heat, its 90 degrees or nothing. The heat only works when you set the temperature to 90 degrees. 89 degrees = nothin'.
7.) The antenna broke off in the car wash once so you only get the station of the town you are driving through.
8.) The automatic lock no longer works so you have to manually lock/unlock all the doors, which takes more muscular strength than one might think. Therefore, we use as few doors as possible.
9.) The paint is chipping off the roof.
10.) The logo decals have been torn off. Part of a dumb prank I suppose.

All these things in one vehicle. The one vehicle that I was driving this week; it was getting me from point A to point B just fine (well with a few conversations of encouragement along the way).

And then some jackass steals it.

They will get what's coming to them. A car that doesn't make it more than 50 miles down the road before they find out that, oops, the gas level indicator isn't exactly accurate either. I pray that is what happens. I pray for the car to just break down on them; it was on its last leg anyway. I hope it just stopped running, leaving those theives cursing its ever dying being altogether. That will bring me peace. That and only that.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Haunted Dreams

Saddest day ever. Colts lose. No Superbowl. No Indiana trip. I'm glad I didn't watch the game. I would've been in tears. I'm sure of it. Stupid Steelers. But yay for the Bears loss. I'm oh so joyful about that.

Oh my goodness. I need to quit coaching. What I could have done, should have done....All the turnovers, missed lay-ups, missed free throws....Every decision I made that worked, didn't work, would've worked had it been executed right....

It haunts my dreams! I can't sleep at night anymore. I want to close my eyes and see something other than basketball players, courts, referees, and angry dads. I didn't want this job in the first place. Now I'm stuck with it and its the most mentally and emotionally exhausting experience of my life. Oh what to do....I've decided that my dad needs to have knee surgery and have it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may be my only way out. I'm usually not a quitter, but man, I just don't need the extra stress of this. It doesn't pay enough to comepensate for the therapy I'm going to need when the season is over!

Friday, January 13, 2006


Can you really always be completely honest with people? What if true and complete honest is the exact opposite of what a people wants to hear? Even if you want to be honest, you don't want to hurt another's feelings, so is true honesty always a good thing? Ponder that. I say no.

On the up side, I called my parents last night to vent and ask for advice, and again I reminded of how wonderful they are to me. My dad knows me so well that before I tell him the way I reacted to situations, he finishes my sentences about my reactions and he is ...............RIGHT. Almost always. My mom is the best listener I have ever met; and I tend to talk A LOT! I love them so much. That adoption thing - it totally worked out in my favor!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

These Days!!!

The 13 hour, non-stop, go go go days have got to stop. I'm not built to handle them. At least not built to handle them when fighting off a cold and not being able to sleep at night. I have the tendency to become slightly loopy when I get too overtired and that has definitely taken over my body.

On the up side ~ my team won their first game tonight. Yay! Good way to start the season. We'll have to see how the tournament goes this weekend.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Now I'm a firm believer that God works in mysterious ways, many times beyond our comprehension. I think He has done it again. Indiana may be in His plan again, just in a different type of ministry. Hmmmmm.

What a day. Fun times in the mall in St. Cloud ~ I have now experienced Hollister and I feel slightly more blind, deaf, and old for the experience. I saw a pair of jeans with random patches that we swore you had to rip off part of an old couch, and I watched Mandy attempt to walk in crazy high heeled shoes. Then I enjoyed pizza and the movie Au Pair and Au Pair 2 with Amy. Great day.

Weekends are wonderful. I'm glad God created them!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


How do children learn when there classroom is only 55 degrees?

Answer: they have class in other areas of the school; the teacher's lounge, the cafeteria, the gym, the sanctuary. Today was our first real day of school since Thanksgiving; no choir or Christmas program practice to take up half of a day. Now if they can just fix the furnace on our side of the school, things will be just great!!

I did have to laugh though when I am in 2 long sleeve shirts and Brant is wearing his hooded sweatshirt and winter coat, and Peggy and Maureen come strutting down the hallway in sleeveless shirts! Stranger things have happened I know, but not today at POP!!